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Reimposta password
Per favore inserisci l’indirizzo e-mail con cui hai effettuato la registrazione su CHRONEXT e ti invieremo un link per reimpostare la password.

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FAQs about self-administered restructuring procedure

By initiating a restructuring process in self-administration, the management and the appointed advisors aim to optimize the business model and lay the foundation for a successful future in the coming months – for the benefit of the company, the employees, and you as our valued customers. We are aware that the current situation raises questions, so we have prepared the following FAQs to answer your questions as best as possible.

Can I still order a watch from CHRONEXT?
Which payment providers are available to me?
Is personal pickup still available at all locations?
Is trade-in still possible?
I bought a watch and am waiting for my order. Are there any delays or will the order be canceled?

Sales & Consignment
What happens to my watch that I have consigned?
When can I expect the payout from the sale of my consignment watch?
What happens to my watch that is currently being processed by the manufacturer?
Is my watch still insured by CHRONEXT during storage and until the time of sale?

I have submitted a watch for service. Is the service on my watch currently being performed?
Will the processing time for my watch be extended?
What happens to my watch that is currently being processed by the manufacturer?
Are all service offerings still available?

Personal concern
How can I get information about my personal concern?